
Tri-State Callers Association


News   Square Dance Info   Callers  

Tri-State Callers Association is an organization of professional Square Dance Callers from Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

One of our goals, as an organization, is to give member callers an opportunity to meet together to share and learn from each other so that we can provide a better experience for all types of square dance functions.

Please tour our site for information about square dancing in your area. If you would like to hire a caller for your special event you will find details about our members and their specialties on our callers page.

The Square Dance Info button at the top of the page links to an archived copy of Dosado.com, a website that collects information on Square Dance Events, Callers, and Associations. The site is currently in transition, so the information you find there may not be current. However, there is still a wealth of good information there. Just be sure to verify it, before you show up on someone's doorstep for a dance.

The Callers button at the top of the page, links to the caller page of Ceder.net. Here you can see a listing of callers in Maine, Massachuetts, and New Hampshire, which includes our members. They also list callers from all over the world, so you can find callers from anywhere you are traveling.

If you want information about Tri-State Callers Association please send an email to Joyce Kutz, Pres.

**Please plan to join us for the 2024 Tri-State Winter Ball. It has been scheduled for 2-5:00 pm, Sunday, February 25, 2024 (Snow date March 10,2024). Feel free to distribute the flyer by clicking this link.